WITH KIND REMEMBRANCE AND BEST WISHES FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY angel with arms outstretched in middle of bouquet of pink roses, green ribbon


BIRTHDAY POST CARDS mostly flowers & children, some pets

unnumbered, no prefix, divided back, embossed, many with gilt inscriptions, PRINTED IN GERMANY or PRINTED IN SAXONY or CHROMOGRAPHED IN SAXONY, come glittered several cards used as Advertising cards opt in brown COMPLIMENTS AND BEST WISHES OF THE HEYDT BAKERY MAY YOU LIVE LONG AND ENJOY EATING YANKEE BREAD, many of the same images BIRTHDAY 105 & unnumbered Birthday floral

48 images probably sold in sets of 6 cards


United States of America, Canada

WITH KIND REMEMBRANCE AND BEST WISHES FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY angel with arms outstretched in middle of bouquet of pink roses, green ribbon


$5.00 USD

Angels Birthday Roses